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As most of you would know, children are not very receptive when it comes to moving. They cannot fathom the idea of leaving their neighborhood and school friends behind or an area that they have grown accustomed. No doubt because of its familiarities, the old neighborhood may have proven to be a safe haven for your children; they pretty much knew the neighbors that they could go to should they have an emergency when you are not around.

Assisting your child in making the transition from the old neighborhood to the new is somewhat challenging. In addition moving into a new area also requires that you alert your kids about safety measures as well.

Weeks before you plan to move, you should sit down and have a one-on-one conversation with each child.

Find out about their concerns and fears about the new neighboring and highlight the positive elements that moving to a new home will bring. This is also the perfect opportunity to tell them about safety precautions to take when they move into the new home. Help your children, especially the young ones to memorize the address and phone number for the new house. Children learn easily with rhythm so perhaps you can sing the address to them to the tune of their favorite nursery rhyme. Similarly, teach your children the way from your new home to their new school. It would also help if you visit the school a day before their school officially starts so that they can get a feel of the place and get over their fear.

Meeting with your new neighbors is also recommended as they are able to look out for your home and your children when you are either working late or not around. A few days after moving into your new neighborhood, bake a batch of cookies and take it over to immediate neighbors as you introduce yourself and your children to them. If your neighbors also have children, find out the schools that they are attending, you may just find out that one of the neighbor’s children is attending the same school as your child. This information could truly be the start of a great friendship between both children and would no doubt make life in the new area much easier on your child. Remember to provide your children with a list of emergency contacts and also warm them against using the shortcuts in the neighborhood. If your children are old enough to stay home alone, remind them about the safety procedures there as well. Encourage them to keep all doors and windows locked and closed and not to open the door for anyone.

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